Building The Code Mixer

This blog is not dead. It hasn’t seen any new content in a long while, which is a shame, but I did use the hiatus to recharge some creative energy. Here’s hoping progress will be more steady next year.

Narrator voice It wasn’t more steady. In fact, this article was kept around as an unfinished draft throughout 2019, not to be published before Config Management Camp 2020. It still lacks diagrams that make the graph code understandable. These may or may not be added at a future date. I am publishing this now because the narrative around GAPI development maybe helpful for future contributors (or myself). I hope it still makes for a somewhat enjoyable read. (End edit 2020-02-06.)

Speaking of 2019, another installment of Config Management Camp is coming up, and I felt compelled to get in position to present a cool new thing. Call it Config Management Camp Driven Development, if you will. My motivation nonwithstanding, I built a new feature for mgmt.

Specifically, I meant to implement an idea that was hatched during Config Management Camp 2018. It’s about allowing mgmt to run code that is mixed from Puppet’s DSL and mgmt’s own language. This article is mainly about code, but let it be mentioned that the code now works, is merged into mgmt’s master branch, and has passed its most basic smoke test. The amount of testing was way lower than I would prefer, but there is only so many hours in the week.

This article really only deals with source code internals of mgmt (as seen in December 2018). It may some day serve as an extended guide to how this code works, but might also help some aspiring mgmt contributors and give them some starting pointers. The code has since mutated and will likely do it again, but this post will stay frozen in the code’s original look and feel.

Creating the outline

Before I start bragging about the amazing hacker feats that lead to this particular patch, let me put emphasis on the very beginning of the process. I started by chatting up James on IRC (#mgmtconfig on Freenode) and asking for help. If you want to get into hacking on the project, I suggest you do the same. We hopped into a video call basically instantly, and he walked me through the code I needed to base my work on.

Specifically, we talked about GAPIs. The GAPI subsystem is the part of mgmt that provides all the alternative ways of supplying configuration instructions in the form of resource graphs. Right now, the following GAPIs exist:

  • lang interprets mgmt’s own DSL
  • puppet receives graphs generated from Puppet manifests
  • yamlgraph allows constructing raw graphs in YAML
  • empty is a pseudo-interface that falls back to running with an empty graph

In the course of this article I will describe how we added the newest GAPI, langpuppet. Yes, naming it was Very Hard.

In general, the GAPI is a Go interface defined in gapi/gapi.go by the full name of gapi.GAPI. This is important, because the current convention sees all its implementations using the same base name of GAPI as well, but in respective packages, such as lang.GAPI or puppet.GAPI. The rest of the article discusses all aspects of the GAPI interface.

The new langpuppet.GAPI wraps the existing lang and puppet GAPIs. All methods basically multiplex the functionality to the “child” GAPIs. This was daunting without a complete architectural overview of the code base, but here is where James’ help was most critical.

Essentially, we started just as if we were building any new GAPI. That is, we copied an existing implementation and threw out its specifics. I picked the Puppet GAPI, because that’s what I’m most familiar with.

So, step one was to copy puppet/gapi.go to langpuppet/gapi.go, remove anything that alluded to Puppet, and adjust the package name.

Designing the CLI

The first interaction of the mgmt core with any GAPI is its CliFlags method. mgmt uses the urfave/cli library for its CLI needs. The CliFlags method returns an array of cli.Flag structures that describe CLI flags that are specific to the respective GAPI. Here’s how this looked for Puppet at the time:

func (obj *GAPI) CliFlags() []cli.Flag {
        return []cli.Flag{
                        Name:  "puppet, p",
                        Value: "",
                        Usage: "load graph from puppet, optionally takes a manifest or path to manifest file",
                        Name:  "puppet-conf",
                        Value: "",
                        Usage: "the path to an alternate puppet.conf file",

This is sufficient in order to display the --puppet and --puppet-conf flags for this GAPI in the output of mgmt help run. The parameters will also be accepted from the mgmt run command line.

GAPI-specific parameters are quite important, because when invoked, mgmt run will pick the GAPI it should use, by inspecting the parameters. The lang GAPI will be used when --lang is present, and puppet if there is a --puppet. This is why we decided to not allow a call such as the following:

mgmt run --lang /path/to/code.mcl --puppet /other/path/to/manifest.pp

If the new langpuppet GAPI was to expose these same parameters, the engine would pick either one of the lang, puppet, or langpuppet GAPIs in a semi-deterministic fashion. In other words, building this interface would have required changes in the way that GAPIs are selected. We didn’t want this just now.

What we decided to make a “mirror CLI” that has each flag of the lang and puppet GAPIs, but prefixed with lp- for langpuppet. I was afraid this would make a bad user experience, but found that typing the prefixed flags comes rather naturally after all.

This is the code in the langpuppet GAPI to make it happen:

func (obj *GAPI) CliFlags() []cli.Flag {
        langFlags := (&lang.GAPI{}).CliFlags()
        puppetFlags := (&puppet.GAPI{}).CliFlags()

        var childFlags []cli.Flag
        for _, flag := range append(langFlags, puppetFlags...) {
                childFlags = append(childFlags, &cli.StringFlag{
                        Name:  FlagPrefix + strings.Split(flag.GetName(), ",")[0],
                        Value: "",
                        Usage: fmt.Sprintf("equivalent for '%s' when using the lang/puppet entrypoint", flag.GetName()),

        return childFlags

With this code, the new GAPI announces itself to the CLI subsystem and makes its flags known. To be more precise, this piece of code does the customization for this. There are two pieces of boilerplate code that are necessary for the actual registration. One is this function, that appears verbatim in each GAPI implementation:

func init() {
        gapi.Register(Name, func() gapi.GAPI { return &GAPI{} }) // register

It returns a pointer to a generic GAPI interface, but &GAPI{} always refers to the local GAPI structure, such as langpuppet.GAPI.

The other required step is the import of the package in lib/deploy.go:

import (
        _ ""
        _ ""
        _ ""
        _ ""

So now that the CLI basics are here, let’s make sure that mgmt will initialize the GAPI object properly.

Getting up and running

My focus was on the Init method first, but much later I learned that the Cli method is actually more interesting and crucial, and that it runs earlier. The last bit should not have been surprising, because this method is the GAPI’s way to determine whether it should even run, given a specific mgmt CLI invocation. The method makes this decision right at its start:

func (obj *GAPI) Cli(c *cli.Context, fs engine.Fs) (*gapi.Deploy, error) {
        if !c.IsSet(FlagPrefix+lang.Name) && !c.IsSet(FlagPrefix+puppet.Name) {
                return nil, nil

Returning nil,nil means that the method determined that its GAPI should not activate. It activates when either --lp-lang or --lp-puppet is specified. FlagPrefix is a constant that is specific to the langpuppet package and is set to the string lp-. The suffixes lang and puppet are not used here directly, either. Instead, the code imports the Name constants from the GAPI packages lang and puppet respectively.

Next, the method does some consistency checking and aborts if only one of the required flags is passed:

if !c.IsSet(FlagPrefix+lang.Name) || c.String(FlagPrefix+lang.Name) == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s input is empty", FlagPrefix+lang.Name)
if !c.IsSet(FlagPrefix+puppet.Name) || c.String(FlagPrefix+puppet.Name) == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s input is empty", FlagPrefix+puppet.Name)

In order to do the actual work of passing the flag values to the lang and puppet child GAPIs, the method then needs to remove the lp- prefixes from them. This is more involved than I had originally anticipated. That’s because the Cli method does not accept some simple array of flag values. It needs a structured value of the type cli.Context (from urfave/cli).

I opted to create a new Context object using cli.NewContext, as one does. Doing so first requires a flag.FlagSet. The flag package is part of Go’s standard library. Here’s how that looks in code:

flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet(Name, flag.ContinueOnError)

for _, flag := range c.FlagNames() {
	if !c.IsSet(flag) {
	childFlagName := strings.TrimPrefix(flag, FlagPrefix)
	flagSet.String(childFlagName, "", "no usage string needed here")
	flagSet.Set(childFlagName, c.String(flag))

I took a shortcut and just assumed that each flag that is of interest here will be of type string. Hence the flags are registered using flagSet.String(). Each flag is explicitly given its value using flagSet.Set. You can also specify a default value when registering the flag (with the flagSet.String call). But the IsSet check only passes when the value is specified explicitly. The child GAPI methods rely on this check, so the Set call is required.

Finally, the child GAPI methods can be called, and then something important happens. The Cli methods return gapi.Deploy objects, which in turn point to respective GAPI objects. These are the workers that we actually hold on to, because they will do the work of generating graphs from mgmt and Puppet code respectively.

if langDeploy, err = (&lang.GAPI{}).Cli(cli.NewContext(c.App, flagSet, nil), fs); err != nil {
	return nil, err
if puppetDeploy, err = (&puppet.GAPI{}).Cli(cli.NewContext(c.App, flagSet, nil), fs); err != nil {
	return nil, err

return &gapi.Deploy{
	Name: Name,
	Noop: c.GlobalBool("noop"),
	Sema: c.GlobalInt("sema"),
		langGAPI:   langDeploy.GAPI,
		puppetGAPI: puppetDeploy.GAPI,
}, nil

The important thing to note here is that the Cli method is invoked on a given langpuppet.GAPI object, but it returns a brand new object, wrapped in a gapi.Deploy object. The engine will continue making use of that wrapped object. Doing any initialization on the receiver obj in either Cli or CliFlags will not work, because those receivers are ephemeral. This is also the reason that the child GAPI methods are invoked on ephemeral receivers that are summarily discarded.

The Init method has fairly little work left to do now. Its basis is some boilerplate code that you will find in any GAPI implementation.

func (obj *GAPI) Init(data gapi.Data) error {
	if obj.initialized {
		return fmt.Errorf("already initialized")
	} = data // store for later

	obj.closeChan = make(chan struct{})
	obj.initialized = true
	return nil

In the middle part, I just added some code that takes care of passing on the initialization data to the child GAPIs.

dataLang := gapi.Data{
	Logf: func(format string, v ...interface{}) {": "+format, v...)
dataPuppet := gapi.Data{
	Logf: func(format string, v ...interface{}) {": "+format, v...)

if err := obj.langGAPI.Init(dataLang); err != nil {
	return err
if err := obj.puppetGAPI.Init(dataPuppet); err != nil {
	return err

James helped me with the Logf functions. They prepend a lang: or puppet: marker to each log message generated within a child GAPI.

This concludes the initialization methods. Once these worked, the engine was able to get this new GAPI in position to actually feed graphs to it. The mechanism for this is perhaps the most complicated part.

Collecting graphs

The graph generating code in mgmt is quite asynchronous in nature. That’s because the tool is designed to receive new data from the user or other systems at any time, and incorporate them as timely as possible. For example, in its default configuration, the mgmt process will watch your mcl automation code, and when you make changes (e.g., push to your git repository), it compiles the new code into a graph and patches the current graph in memory with the differences.

The GAPI has three parts to enable this mechanism. The first part is the Next method that each GAPI needs to implement. The engine calls it to express the desire to receive graphs from the GAPI. The seconds part is a goroutine that is launched by the Next method. It is responsible for the actual signaling whenever a new graph can be produced by the GAPI. It writes structured values into a channel that is returned to the engine by the Next method itself.

The third part is the Graph GAPI method. On first glance it appears to be the most important part, but do note that implementing it will often be quite straight forward, and it cannot properly work without a robust Next loop. The whole construct assumes that the engine plays nice and obeys the (G)API rules:

  • Always call Next first
  • Wait for a Next event before calling Graph
  • Call Graph at most once per event

The langpuppet GAPI has to obey the same rules, because it lodges itself in between the engine and its child GAPIs. Let’s look at the Graph method first, because it is structurally much simpler than Next.

func (obj *GAPI) Graph() (*pgraph.Graph, error) {
        if !obj.initialized {
        	return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: GAPI is not initialized", Name)
        var err error
        if obj.langGraphReady {
        	obj.langGraphReady = false
        	obj.currentLangGraph, err = obj.langGAPI.Graph()
        if err != nil {
        	return nil, err
        if obj.puppetGraphReady {
        	obj.puppetGraphReady = false
        	obj.currentPuppetGraph, err = obj.puppetGAPI.Graph()
        if err != nil {
        	return nil, err
        g, err := mergeGraphs(obj.currentLangGraph, obj.currentPuppetGraph)
        return g, err

It only calls the respective child Graph method if that GAPI has indicated that a graph is ready. Finally, it merges the graphs and returns the result. The flags langGraphReady and puppetGraphReady are set in the Next loop, so let’s look at that now.

// Next returns nil errors every time there could be a new graph.
func (obj *GAPI) Next() chan gapi.Next {
        ch := make(chan gapi.Next)
        go func() {
                defer obj.wg.Done()
                defer close(ch) // this will run before the obj.wg.Done()
                if !obj.initialized {
                        next := gapi.Next{
                                Err:  fmt.Errorf("%s: GAPI is not initialized", Name),
                                Exit: true, // exit, b/c programming error?
                        ch <- next
	return ch

obj.wg is a sync.WaitGroup and should be used in all GAPI implementations. It allows the GAPI to cleanly shut down, including the goroutine launched here. It’s notable that the goroutine does not return errors, but feeds them into the event channel instead.

The meat of this goroutine is the event loop. Let’s dissect it a little:

nextLang := obj.langGAPI.Next()
nextPuppet := obj.puppetGAPI.Next()

firstLang := false
firstPuppet := false

for {
        var err error
        exit := false
        select {

The loop initialization is two-fold: The child GAPIs’s Next methods must be called so that their own event loops start running. The respective channels are held in local variables nextLang and nextPuppet. The significance of the boolean flags firstLang and firstPuppet will be described a little farther below. First, let’s look at the first select block.

select {
case nextChild := <-nextLang:
	if nextChild.Err != nil {
		err = nextChild.Err
		exit = nextChild.Exit
	} else {
		obj.langGraphReady = true
		firstLang = true
case nextChild := <-nextPuppet:
	if nextChild.Err != nil {
		err = nextChild.Err
		exit = nextChild.Exit
	} else {
		obj.puppetGraphReady = true
		firstPuppet = true
case <-obj.closeChan:

Last things first: When the engine calls the Close method of a GAPI (which was not really mentioned here yet), the closeChan gets closed, and the event loop can terminate immediately.

Otherwise, child GAPI events will flip both respective flags to true, or in case of errors, remember the details in local variables, so that a wrapped error can be handed out. Let’s talk about the dual boolean flags first. The firstLang and firstPuppet flags are checked first, right after the select block.

if (!firstLang || !firstPuppet) && err == nil {

This is a weird statement, so let’s unpack it by examining the possible scenarios. Normally, the select block above will finish after receiving an event from one of the child GAPIs, say lang. The firstLang flag is true now, while firstPuppet is still false, and err is nil. The continue is hit and the loop starts over. It is supposed to get an event from the Puppet GAPI then, and now firstPuppet is true as well. Now the “or” expression in parenthesis evaluates to false, and it will never flip back. The firstLang and firstPuppet flags never get reset.

Long story short, this little block makes sure that both child GAPIs have sent signals before any processing is done on them. However, if one of them produces an error, that will be processed immediately, and the continue is skipped even though the “first” flags are not yet set.

This is what the processing looks like:

if err == nil {"generating new composite graph...")
next := gapi.Next{
	Exit: exit,
	Err:  err,

select {
case ch <- next: // trigger a run (send a msg)
// unblock if we exit while waiting to send!
case <-obj.closeChan:

Usually, exit and err will have their zero values of false and nil respectively. The event does not carry additional information.

Handing out the event to the engine happens in yet another select block, so that closeChan events can be processed even when nobody is listening on our event channel ch anymore.

This is all. The event loop is complete, and will send appropriate events to the engine, which will then invoke our Graph method, which was described earlier. It’s almost time to look at the mergeGraphs function, but let’s revisit some sections of Next and Graph first. I have been lying to you a little, so that I can emphasize this now.

Let’s talk about race conditions

The first iteration of the Next loop didn’t use boolean flags to communicate with the Graph method. It just set obj.currentLangGraph and obj.currentPuppetGraph to nil, and there were no booleans at all. This is what Graph looked like:

if obj.currentLangGraph == nil {
	obj.currentLangGraph, err = obj.langGAPI.Graph()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

if obj.currentPuppetGraph == nil {
	obj.currentPuppetGraph, err = obj.puppetGAPI.Graph()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

This worked, but had a big problem: The event loop in Next will set the child graph pointers to nil at arbitrary times, effectively discarding the graphs. For example, this could happen right after the Graph method checked and found that they are in fact not nil.

This is a pretty terrible race. Adding the boolean flags made this business a lot safer already. Yet still, the flag itself is a value that is written by two independent threads. Bear in mind that the goroutine launched in Next runs concurrently with everything else. That’s why there is still a race, in the following scenario.

  1. The Next loop receives an event. It sets the boolean flag and passes on the event to the engine.
  2. The engine invokes Graph, which looks at the boolean flag, finds that it has been set.
  3. At this very moment, the Next loop receives another event and sets the flag to true again.
  4. Only now does the Graph method get around to resetting the flag to false.

The most recent event is lost, and the child GAPI is missing a call to Graph. The most recent input update is ignored, and mgmt will be none the wiser until randomly another event occurs. Latent subtle failures like this are frustrating for users, and exhausting for those who would try to debug them.

(FIXME: Is this even correct? Will the Graph method, after losing the race, request the most recent graph from the child GAPI and all is well anyway? Could we get away without locking after all?)

To be safe against this, the operation of testing and resetting the flags must be made atomic. Go has no atomic test-and-set function, so this calls for a classic mutex. This is how the code actually looks:

var err error
if obj.langGraphReady {
	obj.langGraphReady = false
	obj.currentLangGraph, err = obj.langGAPI.Graph()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
} else {

The graphFlagMutex is shared by both the langGraphReady and the puppetGraphReady flags. This isn’t helpful, but it makes the variable name a little easier to read.

if obj.puppetGraphReady {
	obj.puppetGraphReady = false
	obj.currentPuppetGraph, err = obj.puppetGAPI.Graph()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
} else {

What’s important here is that any reset of a flag is in the same critical section as the test of its current value.

In the Next method, the lock is respected with the following modification:

select {
case nextChild := <-nextLang:
	if nextChild.Err != nil {
		err = nextChild.Err
		exit = nextChild.Exit
	} else {
		obj.langGraphReady = true
		firstLang = true

Setting the flag is guarded by the same lock. An equivalent change was applied to the handling of obj.puppetGraphReady.

obj.puppetGraphReady = true
firstPuppet = true

Since these boolean flags are the only piece of information that is written from independent threads, this is all the synchronization that is required here.

Merging graphs

Up to this point, the code we have examined was arguably not very creative. (The reality is that actually writing and debugging it with little knowledge of the general architecture of the project was quite daunting.) It was all mechanics in order to properly integrate the lang and Puppet GAPIs with our new wrapper. However, we skipped a crucial part in the whole process of generating a graph out of two existing ones, implemented in the mergeGraphs function (see the last step of the Graph method above).

The algorithm for allowing useful graph merging was described in an earlier post. If you intend to follow along with the logic here, I suggest you read that article first (the last part, that is). The general approach is to build a new graph by including all vertices from both input graphs.

Some vertices are merged between the two input graphs. For example, the resource noop[puppet_handover] from mcl code will be merged with the empty Puppet class mgmt_handover (resulting in a new noop[handover]). Consistency checks should generate errors when either input includes at least one “mergeable” vertex that has no counterpart in the other input.

The complete implementation lives in langpuppet/merge.go. Let’s start with the boilerplate consistency checks.

func mergeGraphs(graphFromLang, graphFromPuppet *pgraph.Graph) (*pgraph.Graph, error) {
	if graphFromLang == nil || graphFromPuppet == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot merge graphs until both child graphs are loaded")

	result, err := pgraph.NewGraph(graphFromLang.Name + "+" + graphFromPuppet.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

Once these passed, the first step for the actual algorithm is to copy the graph produced by the lang GAPI verbatim. All vertices and edges are incorporated in the result graph. Along the way, the program takes note of vertices that represent noop resources with a name starting in puppet_. These are candidates for merging, which will be kept in a map.

mergeTargets := make(map[string]pgraph.Vertex)

// first add all vertices from the lang graph
for _, vertex := range graphFromLang.Vertices() {
	if strings.Index(vertex.String(), "noop["+MergePrefixLang) == 0 {
		resource, ok := vertex.(engine.Res)
		if !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("vertex %s is not a named resource", vertex.String())
		basename := strings.TrimPrefix(resource.Name(), MergePrefixLang)
		mergeTargets[basename] = vertex
	for _, neighbor := range graphFromLang.OutgoingGraphVertices(vertex) {
		result.AddEdge(vertex, neighbor, graphFromLang.FindEdge(vertex, neighbor))

Do note the typecast of vertex to an engine.Res pointer. The pgraph.Pgraph is very generic. Any stringable object can be a vertex. (Edges are just as indistinct.) So, in order to use any information from a vertex, its actual content type must be inferred and extracted with a cast like above.

In order to make merging easier down the line, the “base names” of the pertinent resources are extracted here. For example, the resource noop[puppet_post_deployment] gets mapped to the string post_deployment. In the result graph, this string also becomes the name for this resource, e.g. noop[post_deployment].

The MergePrefixLang constant in the code above is defined as follows, along with its counterpart:

const (
        // MergePrefixLang is how a mergeable vertex name starts in mcl code.
        MergePrefixLang = "puppet_"
        // MergePrefixPuppet is how a mergeable Puppet class name starts.
        MergePrefixPuppet = "mgmt_"

Finally, the respective vertex is added to the result graph, along with all its outgoing edges. The pgraph API requires that the vertices on both ends of the edge are in the graph before an edge is added. That’s why each “neighbor” vertex is also added during this loop iteration.

This implies that most vertices are added at least twice, one time during their respective loop iteration, but also from whatever other vertices have outgoing edges to them. This is fine. The pgraph API implements AddVertex as an idempotent action that can be repeated at will.

After the lang graph is processed entirely, the puppet graph gets incorporated. The algorithm does two passes on this graph. First, the algorithm builds an internal map of vertices that will be merged. During this pass, the program also identifies the “first” vertex of Puppet’s graph (the start marker of Puppet’s “main stage”) and saves a pointer to it. This is used to make the second pass more orderly.

var anchor pgraph.Vertex
mergePairs := make(map[pgraph.Vertex]pgraph.Vertex)

// do a scan through the Puppet graph, and mark all vertices that will be
// subject to a merge, so it will be easier do generate the new edges
// in the final pass
for _, vertex := range graphFromPuppet.Vertices() {
	if vertex.String() == "noop[admissible_Stage[main]]" {
		// we can start a depth first search here
		anchor = vertex

The top of the loop concludes the handling for the “anchor” vertex. The rest of the loop body deals with merging preparation.

// at this stage we don't distinguis between class start and end
if strings.Index(vertex.String(), "noop[admissible_Class["+strings.Title(MergePrefixPuppet)) != 0 &&
	strings.Index(vertex.String(), "noop[completed_Class["+strings.Title(MergePrefixPuppet)) != 0 {

resource, ok := vertex.(engine.Res)
if !ok {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("vertex %s is not a named resource", vertex.String())

The consistency check here should never fail, because Puppet’s graphs have no vertices that aren’t resources (after translation to mgmt, that is). Note the use of strings.Title, which capitalizes start of the word in the MergePrefixPuppet constant. This is required because of Puppet’s convention to capitalize references in this fashion. The start and end markers of class mgmt_post_deployment in Puppet are named admissible_Class[Mgmt_post_deployment] and completed_Class[Mgmt_post_deployment] respectively. That’s why the program scans for Mgmt_ rather than mgmt_.

// strip either prefix (plus the closing bracket)
basename := strings.TrimSuffix(

Wow, who the hell wrote this? The idea is, we can just strip both possible prefixes from whatever vertex we’re looking at, because one of these operations will be a no-op. Also, since I’m lazy, the closing bracket gets stripped off in the same statement. A much better way to write this is:

basename := strings.TrimSuffix(resource.Name(), "]")
basename = strings.TrimPrefix(basename,"admissible_Class["+strings.Title(MergePrefixPuppet))
basename = strings.TrimPrefix(basename,"completed_Class["+strings.Title(MergePrefixPuppet))

This refactoring is probably already in mgmt’s master by the time you read this.

By this point, the algorithm has identified a vertex in the graph from the Puppet translator that can be merged. It tries and saves a mapping from this vertex to its counterpart in the result graph.

if _, found := mergeTargets[basename]; !found {
	// FIXME: should be a warning not an error?
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("puppet graph has unmatched class %s%s", MergePrefixPuppet, basename)

mergePairs[vertex] = mergeTargets[basename]

Finally, perform another consistency check and make sure that merge classes are really empty.

if strings.Index(resource.Name(), "admissible_Class["+strings.Title(MergePrefixPuppet)) != 0 {

// is there more than one edge outgoing from the class start?
if graphFromPuppet.OutDegree()[vertex] > 1 {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("class %s is not empty", basename)

// does this edge not lead to the class end?
next := graphFromPuppet.OutgoingGraphVertices(vertex)[0]
if next.String() != "noop[completed_Class["+strings.Title(MergePrefixPuppet)+basename+"]]" {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("class %s%s is not empty, start is followed by %s", MergePrefixPuppet, basename, next.String())

If such a class was non-empty, the algorithm would go ahead and merge vertices in a way that would lead to circles in the resulting graph. (TODO: diagram!)

Now for the final pass of the input graph from Puppet. This one is a little peculiar. In order to not repeat the merging logic too often in code, vertices are only added indirectly. The loop visits each vertex, but only adds its “neighbors” (vertices at the end of outgoing edges) and not the current vertex itself. This will still happen multiple times to vertices with more than one incoming edge, but the code is a little more compact this way, and thus easier to reason about.

merged := make(map[pgraph.Vertex]bool)
// traverse the puppet graph, add all vertices and perform merges
// using DFS so we can be sure the "admissible" is visited before the "completed" vertex
for _, vertex := range graphFromPuppet.DFS(anchor) {
	source := vertex

	// when adding edges, the source might be a different vertex
	// than the current one, if this is a merged vertex
	if _, found := mergePairs[vertex]; found {
		source = mergePairs[vertex]

The first vertex must be added outside the loop, because it has no incoming edges. As mentioned in the code comments, a depth first search is performed so that I can make assumptions about the order in which some vertices are seen. The code above also takes care of half the merging logic. It ensures that edges that are outgoing from merging vertices will actually go out of the merged vertex.

TODO: diagram

Next is the actual work of adding all neighbors, i.e. vertices with edges that are incoming from the vertex currently being iterated.

// the current vertex has been added by previous iterations,
// we only add neighbors here
for _, neighbor := range graphFromPuppet.OutgoingGraphVertices(vertex) {
	if strings.Index(neighbor.String(), "noop[admissible_Class["+strings.Title(MergePrefixPuppet)) == 0 {
		result.AddEdge(source, mergePairs[neighbor], graphFromPuppet.FindEdge(vertex, neighbor))
	if strings.Index(neighbor.String(), "noop[completed_Class["+strings.Title(MergePrefixPuppet)) == 0 {
		// mark target vertex as merged
		merged[mergePairs[neighbor]] = true
	// if we reach here, this neighbor is a regular vertex
	result.AddEdge(source, neighbor, graphFromPuppet.FindEdge(vertex, neighbor))

Note the assumption in the comment on top. It is safe because this is a depth first search through the graph received from Puppet.

The two if blocks in the loop body implement the second half of the vertex merge. Both cases skip the AddVertex call, because the resulting graph will contain the merged vertex instead of these class containment nodes. This merge vertex is already in the result graph. It was added in the earlier import of the graph that was compiled from mcl code.

The first if block handles the vertex that marks the start of the respective class. Since the merged vertex (mergePairs[neighbor]) is already in the result graph, only the edge to that vertex needs adding. It uses the local source vertex from the previous code snippet.

The other block is entered when the neighbor in question is the end node of a merging class. This vertex can only have one incoming edge, because it is mandated that the merge classes are empty. The only edge is from the admissible vertex to the completed (or if your will, start to end). This edge is dropped completely, because both vertexes are merged into one. The only thing that happens here is marking the “target” vertex in the result graph as completely merged, for later consistency checking.

Note that whenever the code adds an edge to the result graph, it looks up the very edge object in the source graph. It does not even really care what kind of object serves as an edge. Remember that any stringable structure can be an edge (or a vertex, for that matter).

The aforementioned consistency check is the last bit of code in the mergeGraph function.

for _, vertex := range mergeTargets {
	if !merged[vertex] {
		// FIXME: should be a warning not an error?
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("lang graph has unmatched %s", vertex.String())

I’ve left some FIXME notes like the one above, because I’m currently not sure what will make for a better UX: Fail a graph that cannot be cleanly merged, or simply log a warning about the fact. At the moment I lean towards failing outright, so that’s what the code still does.


Diagram of the GAPI lifecycle in mgmt

The GAPI system in mgmt’s code base is not terribly complex, but it’s hard to infer its design from just reading code. Do ask James for help with new features. Once you grok the basics, making a new GAPI is not so hard.

The langpuppet GAPI almost completely relies on existing code from the lang and puppet GAPIs. It carefully implements the Next/Graph loop that is responsible for the GAPI’s functionality along most of its life cycle.

Although there is not much testing data yet, the support for mixed mcl/Puppet code is essentially functional now.