
we won't be talking about...





no I love talking about those

(let's meet in the hallway)

Some truths:

  • I can be old fashioned
  • your container scheduler will run on something
  • yes, some of us will keep running DCs
  • the big clouds are not our future
  • actually, forget about the "old fashioned" bit:
  • we will never stop tweaking our base tool chain

So let's talk about two of my faves

Running Puppet from mgmt

...on overdrive

CfgMgmtCamp 2020, Ghent

Felix Frank, Systems Architect
The unbelievable Machine Company GmbH

Felix Frank

@felis_rex on Twitter

ffrank everywhere else

...go figure

  • recovering infra tooling hacker
  • Scrum skeptic
  • professional Ansibilist
  • hobbyist boxer/kick-boxer
This talk is primarily about mgmt

mgmt in a nutshell

  • explores another angle of config management
  • operates on graphs (DAGs)
  • built in golang
  • can run without pre-installed agents
  • no central server ever
  • events, parallelism, node merging

Demo I

A quick look at mgmt basics

Some very simple mgmt code

$ cat file-demo.mcl

# simple plain file
file "/tmp/demo1-file" {
	state => "exists",
        content => "basic mgmt operation\n",

Running mgmt

$ mgmt run --tmp-prefix lang file-demo.mcl

23:55:48.991112 I | cli: lang: lexing/parsing...
23:55:50 gapi: generating new graph...
23:55:50 engine: Worker(file[/tmp/demo1-file])
23:55:50 engine: Watch(file[/tmp/demo1-file])
23:55:50 engine: file[/tmp/demo1-file]: CheckApply(true)
23:55:50 main: graph: Vertices(1), Edges(0)
23:55:50 main: waiting...
Disturbing managed resources...

$ cat /tmp/demo1-file
basic mgmt operation

$ echo broken >/tmp/demo1-file
$ cat /tmp/demo1-file
basic mgmt operation
...with small success

$ echo broken >/tmp/demo1-file ; cat /tmp/demo1-file
basic mgmt operation

$ echo broken >/tmp/demo1-file ; cat /tmp/demo1-file
basic mgmt operation
Some more complex code

class apt_repo($name,$url,$key_url) {
	exec "get key for repo " + $name {
		cmd => "curl -s " + $key_url + " | apt-key add -",
		shell => "/bin/bash",
	Pkg["curl"] -> Exec["get key for repo " + $name]

	file "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" + $name + ".list" {
		state => "exists",
		content => "deb " + $url + " stable main\n",

pkg "curl" { state => "installed", }

include apt_repo("elasticsearch",

There is an overlap
with Puppet
and that's fine

Demo II

Running mgmt from Puppet code

A Puppet manifest

node "dev-app01-ffrank.localdomain" {
	file { "/tmp/puppet-managed-file":
		ensure => "file",
		content => "please don't change too often\n",
Running master...

$ puppet master --no-daemonize
Notice: Starting Puppet master version 5.5.8
...and agent

$ puppet agent --server dev-app01-ffrank.localdomain --no-daemonize -v
Notice: Starting Puppet client version 5.5.8
Info: Using configured environment 'production'
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Retrieving locales
Info: Caching catalog for dev-app01-ffrank.localdomain
Info: Applying configuration version '1580085107'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[dev-app01-ffrank.localdomain]/File[/tmp/puppet-managed-file]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}e4b750c2c778368e279096aac5318e4d'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds
It's a little less fun

$ cat /tmp/puppet-managed-file
please don't change too often

$ echo broken >/tmp/puppet-managed-file

$ cat /tmp/puppet-managed-file
Easily fixed of course

$ puppet agent --server dev-app01-ffrank.localdomain --test
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[dev-app01-ffrank.localdomain]/File[/tmp/puppet-managed-file]/content:
--- /tmp/puppet-managed-file    2020-01-27 01:34:42.715148625 +0100
+++ /tmp/puppet-file20200127-10652-j5hfiu       2020-01-27 01:36:04.023449520 +0100
@@ -1 +1 @@
+please don't change too often

Info: Computing checksum on file /tmp/puppet-managed-file
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.29 seconds

$ cat /tmp/puppet-managed-file
please don't change too often
Let's try mgmt

$ cat puppet.conf

$ mgmt run --tmp-prefix puppet \
    --puppet-conf puppet.conf \
Back in business

$ echo broken >/tmp/puppet-managed-file ; cat /tmp/puppet-managed-file
please don't change too often


  file { "/tmp/a": }
  file { "/tmp/b": }

  - name: /tmp/a
    path: /tmp/a
  - name: /tmp/b
    path: /tmp/b
- name: File[/tmp/a] -> File[/tmp/b]
    kind: file
    name: /tmp/a
    kind: file
    name: /tmp/b

Demo III

Syncing unsupported Puppet resources

So mgmt will do this easily

package { "haproxy":
  ensure => "installed",
file { "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf":
  mode => "0640",
service { "haproxy":
  enable => true,
Surprisingly, this too (generally)

ec2_instance { 'name-of-instance':
  ensure            => running,
  region            => 'us-east-1',
  availability_zone => 'us-east-1a',
  image_id          => 'ami-123456',
  instance_type     => 't2.micro',
  key_name          => 'name-of-existing-key',
  subnet            => 'name-of-subnet',
  security_groups   => ['name-of-security-group'],
  tags              => {
    tag_name => 'value',
But not this

gcompute_instance { 'instance-test':
  ensure             => present,
  machine_type       => 'n1-standard-1',
  disks              => [
    { auto_delete => true, boot => true,
      source      => 'instance-test-os-1'
  metadata           => $metadata_test,
  network_interfaces => $interfaces_test,
  zone               => 'us-central1-a',
  project            => $project,
  credential         => 'mycred',
Let's use a more basic example

cron { "check in":
  command => "curl https://my.apisrv.org/i/heartbeat#$hostname",
  minute  => 10,

We currently don't translate this, because mgmt's cron support is systemd based and thus has different semantics

We can run it well enough

$ mgmt run --tmp-prefix puppet demo3/cron-example.pp
00:49:21 gapi: launching translator
00:49:28 gapi: (output) Error: Cron[check in] cannot be translated natively, falling back to 'exec puppet resource'
00:49:30 engine: exec[Cron:check in]: resource: Apply
00:49:32 engine: exec[Cron:check in]: resource: command output is:
00:49:32 engine: exec[Cron:check in]: resource: Notice: /Cron[check in]/ensure: created
--- !ruby/object:Puppet::Resource
type: Cron
title: check in
  ensure: present
  command: curl https://my.apisrv.org/i/heartbeat#dev-app01-ffrank

We currently don't translate this, because mgmt's cron support is systemd based and thus has different semantics

...but consider that I'm pretty dumb

[0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55].each |$minute| {
  cron { "check in ($minute)":
    command => "curl https://my.apisrv.org/i/heartbeat#$hostname",
    minute  => $minute,
This will take a lot of time in mgmt

$ time mgmt run --tmp-prefix puppet demo3/cron-example-multi.pp


real    1m8.787s
user    0m41.484s
sys     0m18.324s

Demo IV

Ludicrous speed

Let's make sure we're on
the latest mgmt and
the latest translator module

$ puppet module upgrade ffrank-mgmtgraph

$ time mgmt run --tmp-prefix puppet demo3/cron-example-multi.pp


real    0m20.697s
user    0m5.404s
sys     0m3.572s
(most of this time spent with translating the manifest and graph prep work)

Faster Puppet(?)

From rrdtool(1):

When you start RRDtool with the command line option '-'
it waits for input via standard input ( STDIN ).
With this feature you can improve performance by attaching RRDtool
to another process ( MRTG is one example) through a set of pipes.

Speaking of pipes

Demo V

Nuts and bolts

First: Old translator vs. cron

$ puppet module upgrade ffrank-mgmtgraph --version 0.5.0

$ puppet mgmtgraph print --code 'cron { "demo": 
>   command => "echo demo", minute => 1 }'
  - name: Cron:demo                                                                                                                                   [36/1815]
    cmd: |-
      puppet yamlresource cron 'demo' '{"provider": "crontab", "command": "echo demo", "minute": ["1"], "ensure": "present",
        "target": "root", "loglevel": "notice"}'
    timeout: 30
    shell: "/bin/bash"
    ifshell: "/bin/bash"
    ifcmd: |-
      puppet yamlresource cron 'demo' '{"provider": "crontab", "command": "echo demo", "minute": ["1"], "ensure": "present",
        "target": "root", "loglevel": "notice"}' --noop --color=false | grep -q ^Notice:
    state: present
    pollint: 1800
Compare with the new

$ puppet module upgrade ffrank-mgmtgraph

$ puppet mgmtgraph print --code 'cron { "demo": 
>   command => "echo demo", minute => 1 }'
But how is pippet implemented? [1]

# simple resource:
$ puppet apply -e 'file { "/tmp/myfile": ensure => present, mode => "0644" }'

# faster to type:
$ puppet resource file /tmp/myfile ensure=present

# but what about
$ puppet apply -e 'cron { "clidemo": command => "echo hi", minute => [ 10, 40 ] }'

# these will not work
puppet resource cron clidemo command="echo hi" minute=10,40
puppet resource cron clidemo command="echo hi" minute='[10,40]'
But how is pippet implemented? [2]

# how to send this to `puppet resource`
$ puppet apply -e 'cron { "clidemo": command => "echo hi", minute => [ 10, 40 ] }'

# using ffrank-yamlresource
$ puppet yamlresource cron clidemo '{ command: "echo hi", minute: [ 10, 40 ] }'
Now to make it fast
But how is pippet implemented? [3]

$ puppet yamlresource receive
Notice: ready to receive resources in YAML representation (one per line)...

cron clidemo { minute: [ 10, 30, 50 ] }

cron clidemo { minute: [ 10, 30, 50 ] }

# also accepts JSON, useful when used as an API
{"type":"cron", "title": "clidemo", "params": "{ minute: [ 10, 40 ] }"}
Silly shell tricks you can try at home

$ for i in `seq 1 100`
  echo file /tmp/loop$i '{ ensure: file }'
done \
	| puppet yamlresource receive

# vastly faster than
for i in `seq 1 100` ; do puppet resource file /tmp/loop$i ensure=file ; done

We aim to soon be ready to drop in mgmt
as a Puppet agent replacement/alternative
for testing and learning

We are "virtually ready" according to James

Come talk to us in #mgmtconfig on Freenode

For Science!

While you're still here - we're hiring

Thank you for
your kind attention
