Mgmt Code Deployment

Continuing my blog series on figuring out the basics of mgmt networking and etcd, it’s time to tackle one of the most important aspects. At least that’s how I feel about it. After all, it will be nice to show flashy inotify tricks to your team, but eventually you will want the tool to do some actual work.

But how? We won’t be launching mgmt manually on each managed node to read the respective code file to run. (I mean, you can do that if that’s your jam, but it will not be the canonical standard use case.)

I have read of “deploys” in the code, so let’s go find out how these work.

Not all help is created equal

First stop: The output of mgmt help:

   run, r     run
   deploy, d  deploy
   get, g     get
   help, h    Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Oh neat - not only is there an actual deploy subcommand, there is also a help command, so we can just get mgmt help deploy. Right? Right.

# mgmt help deploy
   mgmt deploy - deploy

   mgmt deploy [command options] [arguments...]


I puzzled over this quite a bit. Sure, I can run mgmt deploy <whatever>. But what should the arguments be, specifically?

The way to get the answer to this question is as simple as it is perplexing: In order to get all information, you need to call mgmt deploy --help rather than mgmt help deploy. It shows a more comprehensive description, including the next layer of subcommands.

# mgmt deploy --help
   mgmt deploy - deploy

   mgmt deploy command [command options] [arguments...]

   empty       deploy using the `empty` frontend
   lang        deploy using the `lang` frontend
   langpuppet  deploy using the `langpuppet` frontend
   puppet      deploy using the `puppet` frontend
   yaml        deploy using the `yaml` frontend
   help, h     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --seeds value  default etc client endpoint [$MGMT_SEEDS]

Funnily, you can use help on this subcommand level as well, so mgmt deploy help will give you the same information. You can even get mgmt deploy help lang, for example.

Perusing the full help page makes it rather clear: The interface for mgmt deploy is very similar to that of mgmt run, so it seems intuitively clear how it’s supposed to work.

First deployment

To get started, I bring up my cluster as described before, but do not give an mcl or YAML based input to any of my members. They just come up with the special empty GAPI.

# mgmt run --hostname h1 --ideal-cluster-size 3 \
    --client-urls \
    --server-urls empty
# mgmt run --hostname h2 \
    --seeds \
    --client-urls \
    --server-urls empty
# mgmt run --hostname h3 \
    --seeds \
    --client-urls \
    --server-urls empty

Then, from any machine that can reach these, I deploy a graph from some mcl code:

mgmt deploy --seeds lang examples/lang/env1.mcl

The env1 example from the mgmt source prints the value of the GOPATH environment variable. Lo and behold, I get this expected output on each of my mgmt instances.

18:59:08 engine: print[print0]: resource: Msg: GOPATH is: /root/gopath
18:59:08 engine: print[print0]: resource: Msg: GOPATH is missing!
18:59:08 engine: print[print0]: resource: Msg: GOPATH is missing!

But what about the second deployment

Satisfied with the immediate success on the first try, I want to make a small adjustment. In order to let my cluster do something useful, I want my code to consider the HOSTNAME variable rather than the GOPATH. I make a copy of env1.mcl in /tmp/hostname.mcl and make a slight change:

import "fmt"
import "sys"

$env = sys.env()
$m = maplookup($env, "HOSTNAME", "")

print "print0" {
        msg => if sys.hasenv("HOSTNAME") {
		fmt.printf("HOSTNAME is: %s", $m)
	} else {
		"HOSTNAME is missing!"

It should be possible to deploy this to my running cluster the same way as the example code was. But alas:

# mgmt deploy  --seeds lang /tmp/hostname.mcl
This is: mgmt, version: 0.0.21-73-gd0f971f
Copyright (C) 2013-2020+ James Shubin and the project contributors
Written by James Shubin <> and the project contributors
19:01:32 main: start: 1588964492173753354
19:01:32 deploy: hash: d0f971f69dff0c187ee6e9e910eb50e55fb8ac29
19:01:32 deploy: previous deploy hash: 10aa80e8f57f4b37c9204fe104e2e8c11e5bf861
19:01:32 deploy: previous max deploy id: 1
19:01:32 cli: lang: lexing/parsing...
19:01:33 cli: lang: init...
19:01:33 cli: lang: interpolating...
19:01:33 cli: lang: building scope...
19:01:33 cli: lang: running type unification...
19:01:34 cli: lang: input: /tmp/hostname.mcl
19:01:34 cli: lang: tree:
------ metadata.yaml
------ hostname.mcl
19:01:34 deploy: goodbye!
19:01:34 deploy: error: could not create deploy id `2`: could not create deploy id 2

It didn’t work. Let’s find out why.

The mandatory code trawl

The error message is found in two places.

# git grep "could not create deploy"
etcd/deployer/deployer.go:              return fmt.Errorf("could not create deploy id %d", id)
lib/deploy.go:          return errwrap.Wrapf(err, "could not create deploy id `%d`", id)

This is why the message is repeated in the output: The second match (the one with the backticks around the id number) wraps the first one. That is to say, the error is being generated in etcd/deployer/deployer.go. This is the code piece, right at the end of the AddDeploy function:

result, err := obj.Client.Txn(ctx, ifs, ops, nil)
if err != nil {
        return errwrap.Wrapf(err, "error creating deploy id %d", id)
if !result.Succeeded {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not create deploy id %d", id)

It looks like the “deployer” is attempting to make a client transaction towards the etcd cluster. The Client.Txn call does not raise an error, but the transaction is not successful either. It is not immediately clear what the possible cause for this is. I suspect I will have to raise the etcd log level once more.

Lab reproduction

The environment in which I have first observed this behavior is somewhat unwieldy. It consists of three running mgmt instances on separate virtual machines, creating an ad hoc etcd cluster. I have not devised a convenient way to restart this environment from scratch. (To make it worse, it does not seem to cleanly restart without discarding some persistent data either, which will warrant yet another article soon.)

As such, my next step is to try and reproduce in a more simple context. Instead of configuring my seed server for network interaction, I will run mgmt plainly.

mgmt run empty

An idle mgmt process starts up, waiting for connections on

# mgmt deploy --seeds lang examples/lang/env1.mcl

As expected, this indeed deploys a graph to my standalone mgmt instance. Better yet, a second deployment yields the exact same error observed in the cluster environment described above. I’m a lot more comfortable debugging this.

Some etcd inspection

First dumb check: What happens when I try and deploy the exact same thing twice in a row?

# mgmt deploy  --seeds lang examples/lang/env1.mcl
This is: mgmt, version: 0.0.21-73-gd0f971f
Copyright (C) 2013-2020+ James Shubin and the project contributors
Written by James Shubin <> and the project contributors
14:55:05 main: start: 1589122505506627793
14:55:05 deploy: hash: d0f971f69dff0c187ee6e9e910eb50e55fb8ac29
14:55:05 deploy: previous deploy hash: 10aa80e8f57f4b37c9204fe104e2e8c11e5bf861
14:55:05 deploy: previous max deploy id: 0
14:55:07 deploy: success, id: 1
14:55:07 deploy: goodbye!

I cut away some diagnostic messages from the lang GAPI that are not of interest to me (yet).

Second run:

# mgmt deploy  --seeds lang examples/lang/env1.mcl
14:55:23 main: start: 1589122523215602941
14:55:23 deploy: hash: d0f971f69dff0c187ee6e9e910eb50e55fb8ac29
14:55:23 deploy: previous deploy hash: 10aa80e8f57f4b37c9204fe104e2e8c11e5bf861
14:55:23 deploy: previous max deploy id: 1
14:55:24 deploy: goodbye!
14:55:24 deploy: error: could not create deploy id `2`: could not create deploy id 2

It appears correct that the deployer would attempt to create ID 2, as a deploy with ID 1 was successfully created in the previous run. It strikes me as odd that the “previous deploy hash” is apparently not updated through the initial deployment. The second attempt indicates the same value that is seen when deploying to an empty etcd.

Some printf debugging (not pasted here) of the data structures pushed around by the deployer proves not so promising, so it appears it’s time to read up on how etcd transactions actually work.

Adding a deploy

Getting an overview of the AddDeploy function, the interface doesn’t look too complicated at all. Broadly speaking, it seems to take three preparatory steps:

  1. It constructs appropriate paths (within etcd’s own key-value store, I assume).
  2. It builds a list of “ifs”, but only if this is not the very first deploy (it appears plausible that this code path contains a bug).
  3. It builds a list of “ops”, probably operations that should be done on the etcd data.

This is fascinating and all, but as said, it’s past time to read some reference material. First stop is the documentation for the etcd clientv3 package that is in broad use by mgmt. Oddly though, the only Txn method described here is for the Op structure, not the Client structure as I had expected.

It should be noted that the deployer code in mgmt does not use etcd interfaces directly, but rather the internal interfaces.Client interface from mgmt’s own etcd package. According to its code comments, this interface is implemented by EmbdEtc, a type from the same package. Objects of this type are created using the MakeClient method, which just seems to allow deriving a client object from a pre-existing client:

func (obj *EmbdEtcd) MakeClient() (interfaces.Client, error) {
        c := client.NewClientFromClient(obj.etcd)

Without further digging, I will assume that the deployer will ultimately use the SimpleClient object from this package, but I will try to confirm this suspicion with a brief dive into the deployer code. This is how in lib/deploy.go, the client object is created:

etcdClient := client.NewClientFromSeedsNamespace(
        cliContext.StringSlice("seeds"), // endpoints

NS is a constant from lib/main.go with value “/_mgmt”.

The NewClientFromSeedsNamespace function will return a Simple object which does wrap an etcd/clientv3.Client object. So here we are: The Txn method I have been searching is defined on this etcd.Simple type:

// Txn runs a transaction.
func (obj *Simple) Txn(ctx context.Context, ifCmps []etcd.Cmp, thenOps, elseOps []etcd.Op) (*etcd.TxnResponse, error) {
        resp, err := obj.kv.Txn(ctx).If(ifCmps...).Then(thenOps...).Else(elseOps...).Commit()

It’s still more than a little confusing to me. It uses the Txn method through the KV interface associated to this client object, to create an etcd transaction (or so I suppose). The semantics are implemented through the If, Then, and Else methods then.

The etcd API documentation is not rich with information about how the response object returned by the Commit call should be interpreted. There is one very basic example for the Txn method in the description of the KV interface, but it does not go into error handling at all. It feels like this was a wild goose chase after all.

Taking ctl

In order to get a better feel for whatever etcd is doing here, I want some more direct access. From an earlier adventure I still have this etcdctl binary around. It graciously connects to a fresh instance of

mgmt run empty

Here’s what that looks like:

# ~/etcdctl --endpoints member list
8e9e05c52164694d, started, ubuntu-s-1vcpu-1gb-fra1-01, http://localhost:2380, http://localhost:2379, false

With etcd3, this is how I can inspect all key/value pairs stored:

# ~/etcdctl --endpoints get / --prefix

In my current state of experimentation, this is very promising, because it contains pairs like the following:


These look like descriptors for the deploy that was actually successful. There is also this (please note, there is a fair bit of binary data that is not represented here; this is just what appears in the terminal window):


And also quite interesting:

import "fmt"
import "sys"

$env = sys.env()
$m = maplookup($env, "GOPATH", "")

print "print0" {
        msg => if sys.hasenv("GOPATH") {
                fmt.printf("GOPATH is: %s", $m)
        } else {
                "GOPATH is missing!"

It’s also very interesting that the unsuccessful second deploy is represented as well:


However, instead of trying to immediately match that to code excerpts I’ve seen in mgmt, I will first take one step back, start over from a clean slate, and see how the key/value pairs build up through my experiment. It should be easier to understand the code after this step.

Starting over

The easiest way to get a pristine etcd key/value store is of course to restart the mgmt seed as follows:

# mgmt run --tmp-prefix empty

Let’s see what gets initialized directly.

# ~/etcdctl --endpoints get / --prefix

All this data is purely organizational in nature. Good. Next, deploying the first graph.

# ./mgmt deploy --seeds lang examples/lang/env1.mcl
# ~/etcdctl --endpoints get / --prefix --keys-only    /_mgmt/chooser/dynamicsize/idealclustersize

So this step has added

  • Hash and Payload for deploy 1
  • an entry in fs for deploy 1, keyed with a UUID
  • three storage entries

As for the storage entries, their respective values are

  • nothing at all
  • the mcl code that was deployed
  • another list of key/value pairs:
    • main: env1.mcl
    • path: “”
    • files: “”
    • license: “”
    • parentpathblock: false
    • metadata: null

Now to see exactly what happens with another attempted deployment.

# ./mgmt deploy --seeds lang examples/lang/env1.mcl
# ~/etcdctl --endpoints get / --prefix --keys-only

So the only key that was added is /_mgmt/fs/deploy/2-5e79a475-b6ad-471c-890a-5e52c1b99baa. No values of existing keys have changed either. With all this insight, it’s time to head back into source code and output, and to try and find out just what keeps going wrong here.

Bug hunt

Wandering back into the source code, I am starting in lib/deploy.go this time, trying to read from the beginning. Taking a hard look at the deploy function, it strikes me quite soon: The “hash” is retrieved in the following code block:

var hash, pHash string
if !cliContext.Bool("no-git") {
        wd, err := os.Getwd()
        if err != nil {
                return errwrap.Wrapf(err, "could not get current working directory")
        repo, err := git.PlainOpen(wd)
        if err != nil {
                return errwrap.Wrapf(err, "could not open git repo")

The deploy command (silently) opens and inspects the git repository from the current working directory. I have been trying mgmt deploy invocations from the root of my clone of the mgmt source code this whole time. Was this what kept throwing the deployment off?

# cd
# mgmt deploy  --seeds \
    lang /path/to/examples/lang/env1.mcl
This is: mgmt, version: 0.0.21-73-gd0f971f-dirty
Copyright (C) 2013-2020+ James Shubin and the project contributors
Written by James Shubin <> and the project contributors
10:05:24 main: start: 1590314724368572336
10:05:24 deploy: goodbye!
10:05:24 deploy: error: could not open git repo: repository does not exist

Alright then…adding --no-git.

# mgmt deploy --no-git --seeds \
    lang /path/to/examples/lang/env1.mcl
09:50:54 deploy: success, id: 2
09:50:54 deploy: goodbye!

Success. Deploying with the --no-git options works without issue. So it very much seems to be as I suspected all along: This is not a programming error, but what I consider to be a UX bug. The tool makes an assumption about what I’m trying to do (deploy mcl code from my git repository), fails to communicate this properly, and lets me walk into an error because my own assumptions differ from those of the tool.

In a follow-up post, I will document my reporting of this issue, along with my little quest for The Path of Least Surprise.


Code gets deployed to an mgmt cluster using the mgmt deploy subcommand, which feels much like the run subcommand in terms of form and function. The deploy command expects to be invoked from a git clone root directory (or with other means to locate a git repository) and uses git metadata for the deployment. This can lead to cryptic errors when trying to deploy code. The exact circumstances leading to such errors will be detailed in another blog post.