Puppet, Meet Mgmt

Welcome back

I just realized that it has been almost 4 months since my last post. If you missed it, you should probably read it before this one. I kicked off quite a bit of work then and much has come to fruition in the meantime. This is my report.

Update: This post is quite extensive and covers the guts of the implementation. For a succinct overview of the new functionality, see the follow-up.

Clearing the TODO list

With this post, I finally and proudly present the puppet mgmtgraph subcommand, available through the ffrank-mgmtgraph module. Back in February, I had outlined three immediate goals:

  1. Re-implement the catalog translator as a Puppet face. I managed to do that by the end of February (shout-out to Erik Dalén, I took lots of cues from his puppetls face).
  2. Bundle that up in a module. This was straight-forward enough. Notably, the only code that needed to remain in the Puppet:: Ruby namespace is the actual face API. The bulk of the implementation was segregated into a PuppetX:: module.
  3. Create a DSL for describing translation rules. This was ready by mid March. I’m fairly proud of it and it’s past time to present it here. Do read on.

In addition to that, I got together with James and we figured out how to allow mgmt to connect to the translator directly. It was a great time, and just recently I managed to cobble up a patch and got my first ever go contribution into an open source project!

Let’s take a closer look at all that has happened.

At face value

So Puppet’s faces API is pretty neat. Researching its basics is inadvertently funny: you will most likely end up at the introductory blog post by Daniel Pittman that may leave you wondering, and inspired some mocking comments - it teaches all about semver and little about what Puppet faces are good for.

I ended up picking up the basics from a cool example - as mentioned above, a quick Google search will lead you to an open source module by esteemed friend and community member Erik. A great piece of code to read, it taught me a number of useful things.

  1. The puppet ls command is just a module install away and it’s really useful when handling lots of systems with heterogenous Puppet code, especially if you have not written it yourself.
  2. A face primarily exposes a Ruby API, but Puppet makes it easy to create a subcommand and allow the user to use the face right from the command line.
  3. It’s quite simple to access other faces from within a face and
  4. Puppet comes with some handy faces already, such as the catalog face.

So as long as you don’t need any specifics beyond invoking the face methods, the code for the subcommand is really simple. In essence, you just need to inherit the Application::FaceBase class in a new class with an appropriate name. In my case: Puppet::Application::Mgmtgraph.

The face code is not complex either. In the case of mgmtgraph, there is more boilerplate than anything else, because the legwork happens in the PuppetX::CatalogTranslation module. The face offers two methods: print is intended for use from the command line and dumps YAML data to the console. Internally, it relies on the find method, which generates the raw, unserialized graph data.

Currently, I don’t think that more methods will be needed, but depending on further development in both Puppet, mgmt, and even the translator itself, something may come up eventually.

Drink for Ruby DSLs

At PuppetConf 2015, I proposed a game: examine Ruby code bases, and drink whenever you encounter a Domain Specific Language. As Adrien once said (I think it was him), whereas Perl solves all problems using hashes, Ruby does it using DSLs. Puppet’s codebase itself implements at least three such languages I could name, and it uses some existing ones, such as rspec’s and mocha’s.

I hadn’t shown you my original proof-of-concept code that did my first timid translations. It was basically the declaration of hashes, based on the information in the resource hashes from the Puppet compiler. The code would just impose the new structure, and change keys and values as necessary. For example:

file { '/tmp/my_flag': ensure => present }

This resource needs some transformation for mgmt, where it will look kind of like this:

  - name: /tmp/my_flag
    path: /tmp/my_flag
    state: exists

Instead of ensure, it needs the keyword state, and either present or file must be rendered into exists. The translator DSL should make it possible to express this just like that: Rename the ensure attribute and transform its value as follows. Specifically:

rename :ensure, :state

The value transformation can be done in the code block:

rename :ensure, :state do |value|
  case value
  when :present, :file
    raise "cannot translate file/ensure value '#{value}'"

First point of order was for me to learn how to create Ruby DSLs at all. Since the translator lives in (or near) Puppet’s codebase, I was inclined to leverage the helper code from there. For example, Puppet’s own types are defined through yet another DSL. It’s a fine example for such constructs, but on the other hand, as I have explained before, the whole type system uses some arcane Ruby constructs. To make it work, the DSL code needs to generate classes, layering meta-programming quite a lot.

To make a long story short, this particular example is way too complex for the needs of the mgmt translator. I conducted a quick research for basic instructions on the topic. It yielded a very helpful article written by Leigh Halliday. It inspired me to take a closer look at Ruby’s instance_eval method, which lives at the heart of his implementation.

This reminds me of an odd effect: when I got curious about instance_eval, I looked for information on how it compares to class_eval, which I had seen in some code example before. There was just one small problem: the majority of articles I found (like this one) limit themselves to pointing out how weird it is that methods defined in an instance_eval block end up as class methods, whereas those from within class_eval blocks become instance methods. Luckily, there is this explanation from a class at Stanford. I derived this mnemonic:

Both class_eval and instance_eval can be used for more than just defining methods. Come on!

Alright, rant finished. I feel better now. How are you?

Armed with these lessons, creating the DSL became almost simple. The next section will outline the code. As a final remark, an autoloading facility became desirable at some point. I wanted each DSL stanza to inhabit its own respective source code file (as seen in the git repo), so Ruby needs to be told to load them. Initially, the code just got explicit require calls for each type that had been added so far. In the long run, this should not be necessary, though.

Once more, I turned to Puppet’s code. After all, the automatic loading of types and providers from any installed Puppet modules is pretty much what I wanted for my translator units. Some poking reveals the Puppet::Util::Autoload class. It’s a private API, so this is me potentially limiting compatibility with future versions. On the other hand, do you figure that Puppet will change the autoloading API anytime soon? Before they migrate away from Ruby anyway? We’ll see.

To be honest, I did not even make these considerations at the time of writing this code. Nor at any other time before writing this article, so…yeah. Here we are. This is what happens when life (or, the impressive number of 19 code contributors) gives you pretty rubies. You just go ahead and create a simple and powerful loading method:

class PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type
  def self.loader
    @loader ||= Puppet::Util::Autoload.new(self, "puppetx/catalog_translation/type")

  def self.load_translator(type)

Actual engineering?

This last bit was actually one of the implementation details of the Type class, the engine for the tranlation DSL. Each instance of this class represents a translator object for a specific Puppet resource type. Any translator should be loaded at most once, so the type class keeps a cache of all instances:

class PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type
  @instances = {}

  def self.translation_for(type)
    unless @instances.has_key? type
    @instances[type] || @instances[:default]

The cache isn’t populated by the loading methods. Instead, whenever an instance is created by whatever means, it registers itself with the class using this trivial method:

class PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type
  def self.register(instance)
    @instances[instance.name] = instance

I wanted instance declarations to take the following form, similar to Puppet resource type definitions:

PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type.new :package do
  emit :pkg

  rename :ensure, :state do |value|
    case value
    when :installed, :present
    # ...

This means that the constructor for the Type class needs to accept one argument (the symbolic type name) and a block. The statements in the block, such as emit and rename must have some meaning to the instance being constructed. Therefor, those have to be implemented as instance methods of the Type class.

class PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type
  def initialize(name,&block)
    @name = name
    @translations = {}
    self.class.register self

The @translations hash is an instance attribute that caches all translation rules in a comprehensive format. Before we look at its structure, let’s discuss the different elements that currently describe the translation.

  1. Direct correspondence: Some resource attributes (such as file/path) exist in both puppet and mgmt. The parameter value might need changing, but otherwise everything is just kept.
  2. Similar parameters with different names: A typical example is Puppet’s ensure property. The concept is there in mgmt, but the resource attribute is typically called state. The values can need transformation as well.
  3. Addition: Some attributes in mgmt simply have no equivalent in Puppet’s model, such as exec/watchcmd. Since Puppet does not process events outside of its agent transaction, it has no need for lingering processes that will trigger exec resources again.
  4. Outside of the resource attributes and values, there is the resource descriptor itself. Some resource types are just named differently in mgmt, such as pkg as opposed to package.

I dubbed the latter element a translator instance’s output, and it defaults to the name of the translator. That is to say, the resource names are kept, such as file and service. From the DSL, it is set using the emit method.

PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type.new :package do
  emit :pkg

When this block is run through instance_eval, it just sets an instance member variable.

class PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type
  def emit(output)
    raise "emit has been called twice for #{name}" if @output
    @output = output

As for the other translation elements, these add hashes to the @translations member variable. The most simple first case, “direct correspondence”, implemented by the carry DSL method, adds the following data.

{ :title => <arg1>, :block => <block> }

The block is the one that is given to the carry invocation, if there is one. Let’s look at the following examples from the exec type translator:

PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type.new :exec do
  carry :timeout

It has no block, so the translation hash will be simple. Here’s the code that fills it.

class PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type
  def carry(*attributes,&block)
    attributes.each do |attribute|
      @translations[attribute] = { :title => attribute, }
      if block_given?
	@translations[attribute][:block] = block

It takes an arbitrary number of attribute names, and does the same for each: create a hash that just contains the :title => <attribute> pair, and add the block if it exists (with the :block hash key).

It turned out that for the current set of supported mgmt resources, there was no opportunity to pass a block to carry (or, for that matter, directly carry any other attribute). So let’s just assume for a minute that mgmt required a different format for the timeout and adds a unit suffix:

PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type.new :exec do
  carry :timeout do |value|

This block is just stored in the @translations hash for the time being. It won’t be evaluated until the translator is put to work through the translate! method. Let’s build it piece by piece:

class PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type
  def translate!(resource)
    result = {}
    @translations.each do |attr,translation|
      next if !resource.parameters[attr]
      result[attr] = if translation.has_key? :block

So the translation works by iterating through the elements that have been defined by the DSL code. In the :timeout example, an exec will keep the value as seen in the Puppet resource. If the block is given (as in the example above), this block will now be invoked, and given the value from the resource as the parameter. A timeout of 300 will translate to “300s”.

Attentive readers might be wondering why the code uses both resource[attr] and resource.parameters[attr]. The distinction is important. Usually, you want to access parameter values through resource[<attribute name>]. However, this is not a hash lookup. The [] method is implemented by Puppet::Type and has a distinct semantics. Specifically, it won’t just return nil if the requested attribute is not declared in the resource. That’s why the check is done on the actual hash resource.parameters.

Attributes that are not carried directly but need renaming end up with an additional key/value pair in their respective translation hashes:

class PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type
  def rename(attribute,newname,&block)
    if block_given?
      carry(attribute) { |x| block.call(x) }
      carry attribute
    @translations[attribute][:alias] = newname

Everything is just passed to carry, and the :alias key is added. The translate! loop looks it up:

@translations.each do |attr,translation|
  next if !resource.parameters[attr]
  title = translation[:alias] || attr
  result[title] = if translation.has_key? :block

Perhaps the most interesting part are mgmt attributes that are not in Puppet, but need to be defined in translated resource hashes. For example, the exec type has a pollint parameter in mgmt. Puppet has no use for intervals whatsoever, so it’s safe to assume a default of 0:

PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type.new :exec do
  spawn :pollint { 0 }

The block given to the spawn method takes no argument.

class PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type
  def spawn(*attributes,&block)
    attributes.each do |attribute|
      carry(attribute) { yield }
      @translations[attribute][:spawned] = true

Again, it uses carry internally. Since the block takes no parameters, it can be passed on using the yield keyword. In addition, the marker key :spawned is added to the translation hash. Here’s the final touch to the translate! loop:

@translations.each do |attr,translation|
  title = translation[:alias] || attr

  if translation[:spawned]
    result[title] = translation[:block].call

  next if !resource.parameters[attr]

  result[title] = if translation.has_key? :block

Anecdote: The logic in this loop had a subtle bug until I sat down and wrote this article. Explaining things to others is a useful exercise.

You might be wondering at this point: Why even bother calling the translation block for spawned parameters in each single resource that gets handed to translate!? After all, it takes no parameter, so can we not compute the result once and cache it for use in every resource?

Well, there is one more commodity in the translate! method. Before it starts iterating the translation elements, it sets a member variable @resource to the very resource parameter value. This makes it possible for DSL blocks to examine various properties of the input resource to make decisions about the result.

For example, this is used to compute the path value for file resources. In mgmt, managing directories works by declaring files with a trailing slash on the path, such as /tmp/ or /var/lib/ as opposed to /etc/passwd. In puppet, this distinction is made through the ensure property (ensure => file vs. directory). This is the translation rule:

PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type.new :file do
  spawn :path do
    if @resource[:ensure] == :directory
      @resource[:name] + "/"

Note that this is a spawn rule rather than carry. This is a consistent pattern, found in all the type translator rule sets. Even though puppet supports a file/path parameter as well, we cannot safely use a carry rule. That’s because in puppet, the parameter is typically not needed or used. That’s because of Puppet’s elegant concept of the “namevar”.

A Puppet resource type can declare one parameter to be its “namevar”, which implies that the value of the parameter becomes an alias name of the resource. Also, if the parameter is not specified, it implicitly uses the resource title as its value. Therefor, the following Puppet resources actually try to manage the same file:

file { '/etc/passwd': owner => root }
file { 'passwd': group => root, path => '/etc/passwd' }

This is not valid, by the way, because Puppet does not support duplicated resources.

To close, there are two design patterns that I have consistently copy-pasted to all current translations. One is to spawn the defining parameter from the namevar, as shown above by example of file/path. The other is to consume the resource title:

spawn :name do

I guess this one will get hardcoded eventually. Do note that it is not a rename of title to name, because the resource title must be obtained through the title method as opposed to @resource[:title] or something similar, which won’t work.

Lost in translation

One thing that is not yet consistent across the DSL codebase is error handling. Early on, I’d add some raise calls to the translator blocks:

rename :ensure, :state do |value|
  case value
  # ...
    raise "cannot translate file ensure:#{value}"

Without exception handling on the engine or face level, this will lead to failure to generate mgmt YAML from certain catalogs at all. This is definitely not wanted.

To salvage this situation, a proper collection of exception types would be required, with appropriate handlers and reactions on the respective levels of code nesting.

In more recent code, I went for a compromise: Errors are logged using Puppet.err. Per default, Puppet will print this in a bright red. This works nicely for the time being. Once people start using this for actual Puppet code, we’ll see if this is sufficient in all situations.

After all this code, let’s shift down a little and relax with a quick look at the test suite.

The fun part: Writing tests

For the face backend and the DSL engine, I tried to build a sensible set of unit tests. Despite my firm believe that Test Driven Development is great, I have yet to actually use it to build a new project. When coding from scratch, I just need to tinker a while before I can settle into a more structured workflow. By now, finally, all changes are backed (or even preceded) by proper tests.

The unit tests are straight forward enough, and it all has been inspired by the tests in core Puppet a lot. Especially the integration tests take some direct cues. Puppet’s tests use quite a number of actual manifests to test not only parser functionality, but also the crontab provider. This mode of testing is very compelling to me, because it covers such a broad range of subsystems.

Especially where translation DSL code is concerned, unit testing is a poor fit. Instead, I leaned completely on integration tests and the actual translation of mock manifests to make sure that the translator does what is expected. This is how that looks:

it "only keeps edges between supported resources" do
  catalog = resource_catalog("file { '/tmp/foo': } -> file { '/tmp/bar': } -> resources { 'cron': }")
  graph = PuppetX::CatalogTranslation.to_mgmt(catalog)
  expect(graph['edges']).to_not be_empty
  expect(graph['edges'][0]['from']).to include('name' => '/tmp/foo')
  expect(graph['edges'][0]['to']).to   include('name' => '/tmp/bar')
  expect(graph['edges'].length).to be == 1

This test makes sure that the relationship edge between the two file resources from the example manifest is translated. It also makes sure that there are no other edges in the output. The second edge must be dropped, because the resources type does not translate to mgmt.

Getting this to work was a bit of an adventure, actually. The compiling code lives in my spec helper and was copied almost verbatim from Puppet’s own spec library (where it is part of the PuppetSpec::Compiler module).

def resource_catalog(manifest)
  Puppet[:code] = manifest
  node = Puppet::Node.new('spec.example.net')

As an aside, analyzing this test code was what made me aware of Puppet’s --code option (accessible through Puppet[:code]), which is really helpful for debugging things, or to run subcommands in a fashion akin to puppet apply -e:

puppet master --compile --code 'notify { "what will happen?": }'
puppet mgmtgraph print --code 'exec { "/usr/games/cowsay puppet+mgmt ftw": }'

So that was a neat discovery. Still, the test code did not quite work and threw errors like the following:

  12) PuppetX::CatalogTranslation::Type::Package prints an error message about unsupported ensure values
      Failure/Error: Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node).to_ral

        unexpected invocation: Puppet.err('no 'environments' in {:current_environment=><Puppet::Node::Environment:24443980 @name=\'*root*\' @manifest=\'no_manifest\' @modulepath=\'\' >, :root_environment=><Puppet::Node::Environment:24443980 @name=\'*root*\' @manifest=\'no_manifest\' @modulepath=\'\' >} at top of [[0, nil, nil]] on node spec.example.net')

So the compiler is not sufficiently initialized to render the manifest into a catalog (the first step before the translation to an mgmt graph is possible). I’m not going to lie: the prospect of properly debugging this failure was quite daunting. That’s why, instead, I opted to do more digging through Puppet core’s test code to find the missing ingredient.

Digging through the code did not take too long, actually. There’s quite a lot of rspec initialization in Puppet’s own spec_helper, but most of it is quite specific. Pinpointing the likely code stanzas was not too hard, so I added the following to the puppet-mgmtgraph spec_helper:


config.before :all do

config.after :all do

config.before :each do

config.after :each do

It was much harder (I felt) to try and find out what I was actually doing. I perused the documentation of the puppetlabs-spec_helper module to find out about the actual best practices. But, alas, I did not manage to find anything resembling this code. Still, these invocations evidently allow the compiler specs to run, so…er…all is well that ends well?

Not much else to say about the tests, I guess, except that yes, I’m not adding features or patching code without adding new tests. But no, you can contribute code without bothering with the whole rspec dance. I can do that for you in post. After all - writing tests is the good part ;-)

Designing the mgmt interface

I met with James during his recent visit in Berlin, where he presented mgmt to a stunned crowd at CoreOS Fest (shout out to CoreOS, the conference was great!) Afterwards, we got together for some hacking, looked at the translator code and did some intensive testing.

James was able to immediately point out some translation details that I needed to change in my DSL code, and he explained some advanced mgmt concepts to me. It was his idea to make the translator add a watchcmd to exec resources from Puppet:

"while : ; do echo \"puppet run interval passed\" ; /bin/sleep #{Puppet[:runinterval]} ; done"

This scriptlet runs ad infinitum and writes lines to its stdout in regular intervals. The interval is whatever Puppet would use for puppet agent. This way, mgmt will mimic the behavior of the Puppet agent: Every half hour, an event is generated for each exec resource to trigger a new check and (if necessary) a run of the exec command.

We also extended the file translation to support directories, even though directory support in mgmt’s file resource is not yet implemented in its master branch (but that’s a topic for a future post).

Finally, we tackled an issue that had been in the back of our heads ever since the puppet-mgmtgraph module has been originally conceived. A thing that I had wanted to do from the start, in the interest of simple testing, was a one-line invocation of mgmt with a manifest for translation. This is what I tried:

mgmt run --file <(puppet mgmtgraph print ...)

I hoped that bash’s process substitution would allow me to seamlessly feed generated YAML to mgmt. No one will be the wiser, right? Well, mgmt is nobody’s fool apparently. Or, not mine. Whatever. I did learn that you cannot just hand a FIFO pipe to the tool and claim it was a file. That’s because mgmt will perform buffered reads from the file very quickly after startup, and not bother blocking until the FIFO writer terminates.

And granted, support for this is probably not what anybody really wants or needs right now. Instead, James’ immediate idea was to make Puppet a first class citizen: add a parameter other than --file that makes mgmt invoke the puppet mgmtgraph tool directly, and read the graph data from its output. Now, during our mini hackathon, we sat down to specify how that should actually work.

The mgmtgraph module will work in one of three ways:

  1. With a manifest right from the command line, with the --code parameter.
  2. With a manifest in a local file, with the --manifest parameter.
  3. With a catalog from the Puppet master, when invoked without parameters.

James proposed to use similar semantics for the new --puppet switch in mgmt:

  1. Call puppet mgmtgraph --manifest when the parameter value matches /\.pp$/
  2. Call puppet mgmtgraph --code when the parameter value does not match rule 1.
  3. Call puppet mgmtgraph without a switch when the --puppet option gets no value at all.

Spoiler: There were technical issues with implementing rule 3, so we settled for an alternative, see below.

At this point, we had already determined that Puppet’s runinterval setting is of interest to mgmt, because the translated exec resources should use it to receive periodic events. But I quickly realized that it would be valuable to expose other parameters as well.

Users will want to use alternate certificates so that mgmt will request distinct catalogs (where puppet agent runs alongside mgmt). For that matter, there could well be dedicated Puppet masters for the sole purpose of compiling catalogs for mgmt. The list goes on. In essence, it is important to have control over the puppet process inside mgmt.

I found it easiest and most intuitive to add one more option to mgmt: with --puppet-conf, it should be possible to specify an alternate puppet.conf file that overrides whatever settings the user needs. This is how that could look like:

# /etc/mgmt/puppet.conf

And here’s how to use it:

mgmt run --puppet --puppet-conf /etc/mgmt/puppet.conf

Go code

The honor of implementing this specification was reserved for your’s truly (courtesy of James). I had dabbled in another patch before (which is still WiP at the time of writing this), but other than that, this was my first dance with Go. What fun. It makes me quite nostalgic for my C days.

I will try and give yet another rough description of some code I wrote, but please do note that mgmt is still very much in flux and any or all code excerpts may become very non sequitur to the future codebase.

First off, the whole command line parsing logic is delegated to an external go package. What I realized later is that the parameter tokenization is actually part of Go’s stdlib. Anyway, registering the new CLI switches is straight forward (in main.go):

app.Commands = []cli.Command{
	// ...
	Flags: []cli.Flag{
		// ...
			Name:  "puppet, p",
			Value: "",
			Usage: "load graph from puppet, optionally takes a manifest or path to manifest file",
			Name:  "puppet-conf",
			Value: "",
			Usage: "supply the path to an alternate puppet.conf file to use",

However, I hinted earlier that the “do X if that switch gets no parameter” did not work out. That’s because you cannot use a string type parameter like a boolean flag. Instead, the user would be required to actually pass '--puppet ""' in order to allow mgmt to parse that as an empty parameter. I deemed this too cumbersome, and pretty bad UX.

So we settled for a magic value instead: mgmt run --puppet agent. Technically speaking, this is ambiguous, because “agent” is syntactically a valid Puppet manifest. Granted, it could only ever work if the user happened to have a Puppet module that implements a function named agent that requires no parameters. It appears improbable that this manifest will be very popular. (Even if it would, implementing a workaround for this clash would be simple.)

Next was the program logic that is responsible for loading the resource graph. The --file mode is implemented right in the main routine of mgmt.

if c.IsSet("file") {
	config = ParseConfigFromFile(file)
} else if c.IsSet("puppet") {
	config = ParseConfigFromPuppet(c.String("puppet"), c.String("puppet-conf"))

The ParseConfigFromPuppet function is part of a small new code module in mgmt in the puppet.go file. Its purpose is the construction and running of appropriate puppet commands, and also feeding translated YAML data to the existing graph loading function. The interface specification translates to code quite literally:

var cmd *exec.Cmd
if puppetParam == "agent" {
	cmd = exec.Command("puppet", "mgmtgraph", "print", puppetConfArg)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(puppetParam, ".pp") {
	cmd = exec.Command("puppet", "mgmtgraph", "print", puppetConfArg, "--manifest", puppetParam)
} else {
	cmd = exec.Command("puppet", "mgmtgraph", "print", puppetConfArg, "--code", puppetParam)

The puppetConfArg variable is empty per default, but if --puppet-conf is passed to mgmt, it will have a value such as --config /path/to/puppet.conf for Puppet. The output of the selected puppet mgmtgraph command is stored in an array slice of type []byte, and can be passed right to the YAML deserializer function Parse from the config module.

The other significant functionality in the puppet.go module is the retrieval of the runinterval configuration option of the Puppet agent. We use this value in mgmt to determine how often the catalog should be retranslated (and received from the master if so configured). It works with a similar approach:

if puppetConf != "" {
	cmd = exec.Command("puppet", "config", "print", "runinterval", "--config", puppetConf)
} else {
	cmd = exec.Command("puppet", "config", "print", "runinterval")

And that’s the gist of it. If you’re interested in the minutiae, head right over to GitHub and let me know what I should have done better :-) Do cut me some slack though, this is the first Go code I’ve contributed anywhere.

Writing Go is remarkably enjoyable to me. It feels like revisiting all the good parts about C, with many of the rough edges filed off. And while I enjoyed Perl and still have good times with Ruby, it’s so good to take a break from duck-typing in a truly modern language.

Here’s wishing I could also claim that running mgmt is more pleasant than operating Ruby and its gem jungle, but alas, there were a couple of hickups right from the start. One issue that cost me several days is what appears to be a weird race that makes some go routines get stuck in select calls. This would happen quite consistently in a simple acceptance test I had whipped up. Being unable to rely on tests makes for a poor coding experience.

In another instance, my programs would freeze when working with inotify watches, adding and removing them from files. When hunting odd behavior in an application like mgmt, that relies heavily on such watches, this kind of issue is quite problematic. All the more frustrating when your fellow hackers cannot reproduce the errors.

But then, the last part makes it safe to assume that some circumstance is to blame. My workstation runs Debian stable, which is usually a good choice. However, the included golang packages are in version 1.5.1, which is a little dated. At the time of writing this, the 1.6 line is quite mature and 1.7 is on the horizon.

Topping my to-do list is to go ahead and try version 1.5.4 of golang, to see if that resolves the issues I’m seeing. It would be very surprising if it’s actually the kernel or OS that leads to those malfunctions. Props to Brice for pointing me towards Travis’s Gimme script. Stay tuned for news about how all that turned out.

What’s next now

It’s hard to overstate how much fun it is to write Go code, and I find myself increasingly fascinated by mgmt. Still working on that patch for managing directory trees. The Puppet translator is far from finished as well. There are three specific areas that need attention:

  1. Classes and defined types in and of themselves need no special handling, because the resources declared within are part of the catalog, so the translator will find them. However, the relationships between such resource containers are currently not recognized. A relationship such as require => Class[...] will have no effect in a translated catalog.
  2. Exported resources will probably be difficult. I do believe that the export is represented in the catalog, so it can also be translated. The import is another story. Supposedly, the import will not show up explicitly, though. This one will take some more research.
  3. Unsupported resources should run through puppet resource, as described in the previous post.

Lots of work on these projects, and I’d also like to take some time to finally help out over at Vox Pupuli again. No idea how to fit all that into one spare time calendar, but on the bright side, at least I can scratch this gigantic blog post off my list. Thanks for reading!