Is that an Ansible?

Stop holding it like a Puppet.

stackconf 2022, Berlin

Felix Frank, Systems Architect
The unbelievable Machine Company GmbH

What? Who now?

Felix (probably not literally a cat)

  • came here by bicycle
  • enjoys Work From Home a little too much
  • yet somehow still runs a datacenter

So Ansible and Puppet, right?

What year is this?

Some of us do run datacenters

A text

The pig go. Go is to the fountain. The pig put foot. Grunt. Foot in what? ketchup. The dove fly. Fly is in sky. The dove drop something. The something on the pig. The pig disgusting. The pig rattle. Rattle with dove. The dove angry. The pig leave. The dove produce. Produce is chicken wing. With wing bark. No Quack.

Guess the author?

Spoiler: Some anonymous AI

When all you have
is a hammer,
everything looks like a nail

Welcome to the
Ansible vs. Puppet talk

Benefits of config management

No manual tinkering. No wiki install guides.

Repeatable setup

Infrastructure as Code

Let's model a webserver

In Puppet

Ansible: Similar but different

In Ansible
Architecture: Puppet
Architecture: Ansible
Naming Things is Hard
resource typemodule
rolegroup (more or less)
Working with: Puppet

Editing code and data

  • Puppet manifests
  • Hiera data stores
class nodejs::install {

  $npmrc_auth = $::nodejs::npmrc_auth

  if $caller_module_name != $module_name {
    fail("Use of private class ${name} by ${caller_module_name}")

  # npm is a Gentoo USE flag
  if $::operatingsystem == 'Gentoo' {
    package_use { $nodejs::nodejs_package_name:
      ensure => present,
      target => 'nodejs-flags',
      use    => $nodejs::use_flags,
      before => Package[$nodejs::nodejs_package_name],

  # nodejs
  package { $nodejs::nodejs_package_name:
    ensure => $nodejs::nodejs_package_ensure,
    tag    => 'nodesource_repo',
nodejs::npm_path: /opt/osdc/npm/bin/npm
nodejs::manage_package_repo: false
nodejs::repo_proxy: ""
nodejs::repo_proxy_username: sys
nodejs::repo_proxy_password: o0psThisisS3cre3t

apache::default_vhost: stage_site
apache::user: fitz


Modules are available from the Puppet Forge

Custom code organized into Roles and Profiles

Optionally use ENCs like the Foreman

orchestration through MCollective

visualization with e.g. PuppetBoard

Working with: Ansible

Write code in Ansible's YAML language:

  • structure things into roles
  • orchestrate roles across your infrastructure in playbooks
# roles/varnish/tasks/main.yml

- name: Install the varnish package
  apt: name=varnish state=installed

- name: Write varnish config files
  template: src={{ item.template }} dest={{ item.dest }} mode=0644
    - dest: /etc/default/varnish
      src: etc_default_varnish.j2

    - dest: /etc/varnish/default.vcl
      src: etc_varnish_default.vcl.j2

- name: Manage varnish service
  service: name=varnish state={{ varnish_service_state }}
# playbooks/webtier.yml

- name: Provision webservers
  hosts: web
    - common
    - apache
- name: Provision reverse proxies
  hosts: proxies
    - common
    - varnish
Open Source Roles from Ansible Galaxy
---                                 | ---
# inventory/group_vars/all/vars.yml | # inventory/group_vars/web/vars.yml
ssh_enabled: true                   | ssh_root_login: true
ssh_root_login: false               |
                                    | password_hashes:
password_hashes:                    |   root: ""
  root: "$6$deadbeef"               |   felix: "{{ password_hashes.felix }}"
  felix: "$6$acceff00"              | gitlab_ssh_key: "{{ vault_gitlab_ssh_key }}"
customize machines and groups using variables

run from anywhere using ssh

Foreman supports Ansible as well

not very comfortable without Ansible Tower
(now awx)

We've seen the parallels

Now for the differences

Puppet models systems

  • system state will (should) converge
  • equilibrium often after single transaction
  • each machine has a definitive catalog of state
The Puppet Model

Ansible models
distributed activity

  • structured like a script, convergence is up to the user
  • a play in a playbook is like a view or projection
  • assigns tasks to hosts, rather than state
The Ansible Model

In Summary

Ansible v Puppet

Or let's use a metaphor

Imagine your infrastructure was a theatre stage

So don't try to push Ansible into a Puppet-shaped box.

Some Ansible tips

Having a site.yml is nice, but it should not be
the primary use case.

Running the code for all machines will become
too slow sooner or later.

Tags aren't very flexible.

Better to rely on single-purpose playbooks.

Create ad-hoc playbooks whenever you need.

Don't shoot for DRY on playbook level.

But do make DRY roles.

Take advice on best practices
from the upstream Ansible documentation
with a grain of salt.

Let's look at site.yml

Ansible in Puppet-like mode

Use the tooling.


Proper Ansible
When to choose Ansible over Puppet
  • need to cover code deployments?
  • primarily managing switches and similar gear?
  • many use cases for "ad hoc" management?
  • ubiquitous Python but no Ruby?
When to choose Puppet over Ansible
  • managing only OS level system properties?
  • very heterogeneous environment?
  • you value power over simplicity?
  • ubiquitous Ruby but no Python?
  • you are certain that scale will be huge
Should I combine both?

Probably yes but

There is value in limiting your tool chain.

Finally, what's the best way to lead discussions about config management tools?


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