CfgMgmtCamp 2018, Gent
Felix Frank, Systems Architect
The unbelievable Machine Company GmbH
Look who's talking
Felix (not an actual feline)
But why
enthused by mgmt since the initial presentations
James is a good chap
let ops tools be a happy family
Looking back on Part I
we were looking for a way to run mgmt from Puppet code
pro-tip: don't even bother
parsing Puppet code "manually"
range("0", "93").each |$index| {
if $index % 3 == 0 and $index % 5 == 0 {
file { "/tmp/fizzbuzz/$index": ensure => present }
} elsif $index % 3 == 0 {
file { "/tmp/fizz/$index": ensure => present }
} elsif $index % 5 == 0 {
file { "/tmp/buzz/$index": ensure => present }
Everyday Puppet (apply)
The approach
The implementation :package do
emit :pkg
spawn :name do
rename :ensure, :state do |value|
case value
when :installed, :present
when :purged, :absent
Demo! (Good!)
So what's new?
Now translating augeas resources
augeas {
"enable replication":
incl => "/etc/mysql/my.cnf",
lens => "mysql.lns",
changes => [
"set target[3]/port 3307",
"set target[3]/bind-address",
...except like this
augeas {
"re-enable dns":
incl => "/etc/mysql/my.cnf",
lens => "mysql.lns",
changes => [
"rm target[3]/skip_name_resolve",
...or this...
augeas {
"ensure InnoDB":
changes => [
"set /files/etc/mysql/my.cnf/target[3]/default_storage_engine InnoDB",
Otherwise, translator code
would look like this
rename :incl, :file
Instead this happens
spawn :file do
if @resource[:incl]
translation_failure "does not use the 'incl' parameter, which mgmt needs"
ignore :incl
Let's see some more demo (good!)
Also, AWS
mgmt now has native support
for managing EC2 instances
Puppet gets this through the puppetlabs/aws module
The translator copes :ec2_instance do
emit :"aws:ec2"
Let's look at the list of supported parameters
mgmt EC2 parameters
Puppet EC2 parameters
Translator input is potentially
rather more elaborate than the output
This must be communicated to the user
Let's see things break (bad!)
Severity levels
Warning: mgmt won't do it all,
but manage the essentials
Error: mgmt won't behave quite like Puppet
Works with small manifests and one-liners
Overwhelming at scale
It's about to get weird, folks
In light of this, let's take a step back
Do we want to run arbitrary manifests?
Do we want an established language?
Is it even feasible for mgmt
to become a Puppet stand-in?
Let's figure it out
See you at the hack day