News from the Puppet-Mgmt Translator

CfgMgmtCamp 2018, Gent

Felix Frank, Systems Architect
The unbelievable Machine Company GmbH

Look who's talking

Felix (not an actual feline)

  • codes things, but ops-es for a living
  • Puppet nerd, writes things
  • Berlin-izen, somehow not an expat

But why

enthused by mgmt since the initial presentations

James is a good chap

let ops tools be a happy family

Looking back on Part I

we were looking for a way to run mgmt from Puppet code

pro-tip: don't even bother
parsing Puppet code "manually"

range("0", "93").each |$index| {
  if $index % 3 == 0 and $index % 5 == 0 {
    file { "/tmp/fizzbuzz/$index": ensure => present }
  } elsif $index % 3 == 0 {
    file { "/tmp/fizz/$index": ensure => present }
  } elsif $index % 5 == 0 {
    file { "/tmp/buzz/$index": ensure => present }

Everyday Puppet (apply)

The approach

The implementation :package do
  emit :pkg

  spawn :name do

  rename :ensure, :state do |value|
    case value
    when :installed, :present
    when :purged, :absent

Demo! (Good!)

So what's new?

Now translating augeas resources

augeas {
  "enable replication":
    incl => "/etc/mysql/my.cnf",
    lens => "mysql.lns",
    changes => [
      "set target[3]/port 3307",
      "set target[3]/bind-address",

...except like this

augeas {
  "re-enable dns":
    incl => "/etc/mysql/my.cnf",
    lens => "mysql.lns",
    changes => [
      "rm target[3]/skip_name_resolve",

...or this...

augeas {
  "ensure InnoDB":
    changes => [
      "set /files/etc/mysql/my.cnf/target[3]/default_storage_engine InnoDB",

Otherwise, translator code
would look like this

  rename :incl, :file

Instead this happens

  spawn :file do
    if @resource[:incl]
      translation_failure "does not use the 'incl' parameter, which mgmt needs"
  ignore :incl

Let's see some more demo (good!)

Also, AWS

mgmt now has native support
for managing EC2 instances

Puppet gets this through the puppetlabs/aws module

The translator copes :ec2_instance do
  emit :"aws:ec2"

Let's look at the list of supported parameters

mgmt EC2 parameters

  • State
  • Region
  • Type
  • ImageID
  • WatchListenAddr (for SNS)
  • UserData

Puppet EC2 parameters


Translator input is potentially
rather more elaborate than the output

This must be communicated to the user

Let's see things break (bad!)

Severity levels

Warning: mgmt won't do it all,
but manage the essentials

Error: mgmt won't behave quite like Puppet

Works with small manifests and one-liners

Overwhelming at scale

It's about to get weird, folks

In light of this, let's take a step back

Do we want to run arbitrary manifests?

Do we want an established language?

Is it even feasible for mgmt
to become a Puppet stand-in?

Let's figure it out

See you at the hack day



  • "Napster Bad" by Camp Chaos